Balanced. Automated. Decentralized.

Top curated content on business, politics, finance, technology, philosophy and science. Balanced sources and independent news stories.

Our proprietary AI reads and summarizes the articles for you and analyzes the article's sentiment and topics. This can help save you time.

To learn more about how our automated AI robot reads, summarizes, and analyzes articles, see below.

Remyx News For Today: 2022-04-04


About Our AI

Our artificial intelligence robot reads and summarizes articles, analyzes if the article has a positive, negative, or neutral sentiment, and shows you top statistically relevant keywords and topics. It's a combination of natural language processing algorithms and robotic process automation (RPA), and it's written in the open source R programming language. Remyx News is published in rmarkdown, and content is curated by the Remix Institute team.

Our AI has no agenda. It's merely reading and summarizing in an objective way. The only human-in-the-loop (HITL) process is the content curation.

Our AI estimates the time it takes to read an article by counting the number of words, sentences, and characters in an article and assumes an average reader can read 238 words per minute, based on this study.

About Our Content Curation

The future of information is decentralized. Remix Institute strives to provide a balanced menu of sources to prevent hyper polarization. Remix Institute also seeks out reliable content from independent sources, and we don't believe in unreliable, corporate “fact-checking” firms. We believe the reader should consume balanced, decentralized information and form rational, evidence-based decisions for themselves.